Tutor Tanith

This shirt was printed October 2007

Actual shirt Original image with brown background added

While the detail is excellent, it can't match the detail level that would show on paper. This is due to a combination of the roughness of the fabric and the nature of the underlayer. The images below are of the same shirt in the upper left above. It is also a good example of how even photos are taken at the same time and under the same conditions can vary unless done under labratory conditions. A slight shift in the camera angle can bring in significantly more or less light, which affects exposure. The color tone of the actual shirt is more like the upper photo.
The image below is from the original design, not the shirt. I didn't expect that level of detail to make it into the final product, and it didn't. But what was left was apparently enough to give the impression of the equipment. I asked a number of people and all gave thumbs up to keeping the fill.





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