Tutor Tanith

Additional HTML and Script Learning Resources

Learning HTML

Finding script and tools to enhance your shop or website

Providing contact forms for better customer communication

CafePress shop template resources

Learning HTML

  • Lissa Explains it All - it's designed for kids. I don't know if that makes it easier for adults.

  • Beginning HTML Tutorials from Page Resources - if you know nothing, this will get you started. Although it discusses creating web pages pretty nearly everything is useful to working on your premuim CafePress shop.

  • W3Schools - this is the classic resource. It is well organized and reasonably clear but I think you first need to get the HTML basics to get the best use from it.

  • HTML Goodies - now that you now HTML basics and you want to start using some more advanced methods.

  • HTML Code Tutorials

  • The Site Wizard - Lots of web design tutorials and articles. Information on search engine optimization, accessiblity, "best practices" and more.

Finding Scripts

  • Dynamic Drive - a resource for ready made javascripts. An often used resource for slideshows, image changers etc.

  • Super Sort- This script from ThreadYourself creates thumbnail images on the CafePress rearrange products screen to enable drag-and-drop reordering of products

  • SP Bonus - This script from ThreadYourself calculates your performance bonus from your CafePress shop orders page

  • Edit Image Tags - This script from ThreadYourself links the image thumbnails in the CafePress design report to the edit image page so you can easily edit the tags

  • Big Inputs - This script from ThreadYourself lets you stretch the input boxes on CafePress to give more editing room

  • Bag o' Scripts - Replacement product drop down for CafePress, plus enhancements such as the ability to display messages for certain products (like "This is on sale"). Also a rotating product display to highlight selected products.

Feedback and Contact Forms

Providing contact forms is a benefit over simply providing an email address. Contact forms do more than simply protect your email from spam bot. They also provide you an important opportunity to make sure you get all the information you need, and to provide your customer with all needed information. For example, if you are doing product personalization you can get most or all of the information you need in the first communication. You can also provide more specifics to the customer. A very important one is not order until you tell them the product is ready. You can do different forms for different things. If you want to invite someone to offer their email, for example, you can persuade in greater detail.

  • Adam's Tip - to provide contact, feedback. collect customization information and other forms for your site without showing your email to the spammer consider a forms host:such as http://www.wufoo.com
  • CafeGrabber - free contact forms For CafePress shopkeepers "You can request a contact form at: http://contacts.cafegrabber.com/ The form won't be instantly generated - but I will typically create it in less than 24 hours and notify you by e-mail. Alin"

Templates for Your CafePress Premium Shop



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